How to Be Safe With Motorcycle Training

As well as making sure your motorcycle is safe to operate, all the other aspects of bike riding should be safe too, such as your clothing and helmet as well as how you actually ride. It’s all part of the answer to the question of how to be safe with motorcycle training. And it’s important to remember that riding a motorcycle is potentially more dangerous than driving a car, although many keen riders will tell you that it’s also a lot more fun. In the following article, you’ll learn about how to be safe while riding, which of course is one of the most important things when riding a bike.

Buy a Bike That Isn’t Too Big or Powerful

Avoid full throttle and choose a bike that is fairly modest in its performance and power, if bike riding is new to you, or you haven’t ridden one in some time. A beginner just can’t safely cope with some of today’s more powerful machines; as with other aspects of our lives, modern motorcycle performance has advanced very quickly. Try the bike out for size before you buy it; you should be able to easily reach the controls and handlebars, and while seated, your feet should rest on the ground. If that isn’t the case, the bike is too tall for you.

Antilock Brakes

Regardless of how skilled or careful a rider you are, having antilock brakes on your bike is an important part of safe riding. Studies by the IIHS indicate that bike riders are around 37 percent safer when riding a motorcycle with ABS brakes. Serious injuries are all too likely when a rider skids and crashes, which is much more likely if you don’t have antilock brakes. All riders must be prepared for a panic scenario, and ABS braking can help you keep control and minimize the chance of injuries.

Sharpening Your Skills

Even if you’re an experienced rider, you can benefit from a riding or training course and they aren’t just for beginners. Expect to learn about carrying out emergency evasive maneuvers as well as learning all about the basics of safe riding. An extra benefit of taking a course may be saving money on your bike insurance, and if you’re buying a new bike, you may benefit from a discount if you’ve taken a training class. The road test or written test may not apply to you during the process of being licensed.


Potentially fatal head injuries are about 40 percent more likely for motorcycle riders who don’t wear a helmet, making it one of the most essential safety items. Brain injuries are about three times more likely if you ride without a helmet. London Motorcycle Training can answer all your questions about helmets, safe riding and how to choose a bike

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